Monday, September 1, 2014

Wordle #24 - Poltergeist the Band

The band I formed in 1976 was called Poltergeist.
Some said we stank as a band but we had a lot of fun.
Mephitic music some called it.
The ivories twinkled
Moments of static, to keep you guessing
Inimical times for audiences just didn’t get us
When our lives were at risk
Our bones in danger of serious fractures
As we stood on the threshold of greatness
Our futures hanging in the balance
But on the fifth day, disaster
Alarm bells, vapours rising
Our lives did literally become static.
Now in my senescent days
I reflect on what might have been.
At times I do have mephitic moments
Nightmares of an inimical nature
But I hold those times close to me.
Poltergeist still screams to me
 As I swim in night vapours.

Written for:


kaykuala said...

Your take, takes off very smoothly. The words given seem to have been specially chosen to match your music days. Great write Michael!


Michael said...

Thank you Hank, just had this thought and away it went.

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic and very original use of the words. Very vivid! I have absolutely no musical abilities whatsoever

Michael said...

Thank you Yves, i wanted to try a different approach and it was a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

It has great rhythm and a heavyweight story. All seems so true. Thank you for sharing it.

Michael said...

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate you reading my work.

De Jackson said...

I especially like the inner sound play of "fractures" and "disaster."


Michael said...

Thank you De, I appreciate you reading my post.

Truedessa said...

This was fun to read and it made me think of all the bands that come and go through the hands of time. On the threshold of greatness..
caught in those night vapors.

Myrna R. said...

Nice to reminisce about what might have been. I like how you bring it in to today and the band's name takes on a completely different perspective. Good writing.

Anonymous said...

"Poltergeist still screams to me
As I swim in night vapours."

Ooh, I like!

Amrit Sinha said...

Brilliant use of the words ... story of a musical band :-)

humbird said...

Well, I can relate as former band member of "Paradise" ~ Thanks for stopping by! I've changed the page, sorry...your comment's gone, but thanks anyway.